Prof. Kim has been elected as a Fellow of ASME in 2016.
Prof. Kim's remanufacturing and life cycle research was featured in "Engineering at Illinois" magazine.
ESOL alumnus, Dr. Jungmok Ma started as an Assistant Professor in the Korean National Defense University. He is the third tenure-track professor among ESOL alumni.
Minjung Kwak started as an Assistant Professor at the Soongsil University, Seoul Korea, following Conrad Tucker (Assistant Professor at Penn State) and Shen Lu (Senior Scientist at Bloomberg, Inc.).
Prof. Kim has become an Associate Editor for Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design.
Prof. Kim was awarded J. Franklin Sharp Teaching Award.
A paper by M. Kwak and H. Kim was awarded with Reviewers' choice award in ICED13 conference.
Prof. Kim (PI) was awarded with NSF CAREER award from the National Science Foundation under the Engineering Design Program in Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI).
Prof. Kim was awarded with the J. Franklin Sharp Award for Outstanding Teaching in Industrial Engineering.
Chicago Tribune highlighted Prof. Kim's research in a story. Consider cell phones' fate when designing them. The story was selected as one of top scientific stories by the USA Today.
A paper co-authored by ESOL-DSL team won the best paper award in the
2009 ASME Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference
(DFMLC) -- Zhao, Y., Pandey, V., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D.
"Varying Lifecycle Lengths within a Portfolio For Product Take-Back."
Prof. Kim (PI) was awarded with a research award from the National Science Foundation under the Engineering Design Program in Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), CMMI 0900196, on the topic "Dynamic Multi-Mode Design Methodology for Efficient Energy Conversion System Design."
Sandia National Labs awards research funding for System-of-Systems research "Parallel, Data-Driven Enterprise Model for System-of-Systems Portfolio Design" starting in Fall 2008.
Prof. Kim and Conrad Tucker were awarded NSF CIEG, under which they collaborate with researchers in the San Diego Supercomputing Center in Summer 2008.
Prof. Kim (PI) was awarded with a research grant from the National Science Foundation under the Engineering Design Program in Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI), CMMI 0726934, with Prof. Deborah Thurston (Co-PI) on the topic "Enterprise Systems for Product Portfolio Design."
Prof. Kim was awarded with a research project from Caterpillar Inc. on "Analytical Target Cascading for Engine Simulation Parameter Identification."
ESOL doctoral candidate Conrad Tucker was recently awarded with Henry Ford Scholar Award and SURGE Scholarship. Congratulations!
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