Harrison Kim has published more than 150 peer-reviewed items in ASME, AIAA, IEEE,
Design Society, and INCOSE.
J72. Park, S., Lin, K., Joung, J. and Kim, H. M. "An Automated Data-Driven Approach for Product Design Strategies to Respond to Market Disruption Following COVID-19," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 147(3): 031402, 2025.
J71. Park, S. and Kim, H. M. "Extracting product design guidance from online reviews: An explainable neural network-based approach," Expert Systems with Applications, 236, 121357, 2024.
J70. Joung, J. and Kim, H. M. "Interpretable machine learning-based approach for customer segmentation for new product development from online product reviews," International Journal of Information Management, 70 (2023) 102641, 2023.
J69. Park, S. and Kim, H. M. "Analysis of brand effects in data-driven design based on online reviews," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 145(12): 121704, 2023.
J68. Park, S. and Kim, H. M. "Finding Social Networks Among Online Reviewers for Customer Segmentation," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 2022.
J67. Saidani, M., Joung, J., Kim, H. M., and Yannou, B. "Combining life cycle assessment and online customer reviews to design more sustainable products - Case study on a printing machine," Procedia CIRP, 109 (2022) 604-609, 2021.
J66. Park, S., Joung, J. and Kim, H. M. "Spec guidance for engineering design based on
data mining and neural networks," Computers in Industry, 2023.
J65. Saidani, M., Cluzel, F., Leroy, Y., Pigosso, D., Kravchenko, M., and Kim, H. M., "Nexus Between Life Cycle
Circularity, and Sustainability Indicators—Part II: Experimentations," Circular Economy and Sustainability, 2022.
J64. Saidani, M., and Kim, H. M., "Nexus Between Life Cycle Assessment, Circularity,
and Sustainability Indicators—Part I: a Review," Circular Economy and Sustainability, 2022.
J63. Kim, J., Park, S., and Kim, H. M. "Optimal Modular Remanufactured Product
Configuration and Harvesting Planning for End-of-Life Products," Transactions
of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 144(4): 042001, 2022.
J62. Joung, J. and Kim, H. M. "Explainable neural network-based approach to kano
categorisation of product features from online reviews,"International Journal of Production Research, 60:23, 7053-7073, 2023.
J61. Saidani, M., Cluzel, F., Yannou, B., and Kim, H. M. "Circular economy as a key for industrial
value chain resilience in a post-COVID world: what do future engineers think?," Procedia CIRP, 103 (2021) 26–31, 2021.
J60. Park, S. and Kim, H. M. "Phrase Embedding and Clustering for Part-level
Feature Extraction from Online Data," Transactions
of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 2021.
J59. Kim, J., Park, S., and Kim, H. M. "Analysis of Dynamic Changes in Customer
Sentiment on Product Features After the Outbreak of COVID-19 Based on Online Reviews," Transactions
of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 144(2): 024501, 2022.
J58. Saidani, M., Kim, H. M., and Kim, J., "Designing Optimal COVID-19 Testing Stations Locally:
A Discrete Event Simulation Model Applied on a University Campus" PLoS ONE, Vol. 16, No. 6, 2021.
J57. Joung, J. and Kim, H. M., "Approach for Importance–Performance Analysis of Product Attributes From Online Reviews" Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 2021.
J56. Joung, J. and Kim, H. M., "Automated Keyword Filtering in Latent Dirichlet Allocation for Identifying Product Attributes From Online Reviews" Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 2021.
J55. Li, J., Akdeniz, N., Kim, H.M., Gates, R., Wang, X., and Wang, K., "Quantification of sustainable animal manure utilization strategies in
Hangzhou, China," Agricultural Systems, 2021.
J54. Saidani, M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y. Cluzel, F., and Kim, H. M., "Multi-tool methodology to evaluate action levers to close the loop on critical materials – Application
to precious metals used in catalytic converters," Sustainable Production and Consumption 26 (2021) 999–1010, 2021.
J53. Saidani, M., and Kim, H. M., "A Discrete Event Simulation-Based Model to Optimally Design and Dimension Mobile COVID-19 Saliva-Based Testing Stations," Simulation in Healthcare:
The Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare: April 2021 - Volume 16 - Issue 2 - p 151-152, 2021.
J52. Saidani, M., Pan, E., Kim, H. M., Wattonville, J., Greenlee, A., Shannon, T., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y.
and Cluzel, F. "Comparative life cycle assessment and costing of
an autonomous lawn mowing system with human-
operated alternatives: implication for sustainable
design improvements," International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 2021.
J51. Kim, J., Saidani, M., and Kim, H. M. "Designing an optimal modular-based product
family under intellectual property and sustainability considerations," Transactions of ASME:
Journal of Mechanical Design, April, 2021.
J50. Saidani, M. and Kim, H. M. "Quantification of the environmental and economic benefits of the electrification
of lawn mowers on the U.S. residential market," International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, April 2021.
J49. Li, J., Akdeniz, N., Kim, H.M., Gates, R., Wang, X., and Wang, K., "Optimal manure utilization chain for distributed animal farms:
model development and a case study from Hangzhou, China," Agricultural Systems, 2021.
J48. Li, J., Wang, X., Kim, H.M., Gates, R., and Wang, K., "Optimal Design of Manure Management for Intensive Swine Feeding Operation:
A Modeling Method Based on Analytical Target Cascading," Journal of Cleaner Production, Oct. 2020.
J46. Kim, J. and Kim, H. M., "Impact of Generational Commonality of Short
Life Cycle Products in Manufacturing and
Remanufacturing Processes," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 142 (12), 2020.
J45. Kim, H.M., Cluzel, F., Leroy, Y., Yannou, B. and Bertoluci, G.,
"Research perspectives in ecodesign," Design Science Journal, Vol. 6, E7,
J44. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M., "A Data-Driven Approach to
Product Usage Context
Identification From Online
Customer Reviews," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(12),
121104, 2019.
J43. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M., "A Data-driven Methodology to
Construct Customer Choice Sets Using Online Data and Customer
Reviews," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(11),
111103, 2019.
J42. Han, H., Chang, S., and Kim, H. M., "Multiple Target Exploration Approach for Design Exploration Using
a Swarm Intelligence and Clustering," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 141(9),
091401, 2019.
J41. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M. "A Systematic Methodology Based on Word Embedding for Identifying the Relation between Online Customer Reviews and Sales Rank," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 140(12), 1214031, 2018.
J40. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M. "Greedy robust wind farm layout optimization with feasibility guarantee," Engineering Optimization Journal, September 2018.
J39. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M. "A tight upper bound for quadratic knapsack problems in grid-based wind farm layout optimization," Engineering Optimization Journal, May 2017.
J38. Avrithi, K. and Kim, H. M. "Optimization of Piping Supports and Supporting Structure," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology,
Vol. 129, No. 4, 2017.
J37. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M. "A Mixed Integer Linear Programing Formulation for Unrestricted Wind Farm Layout Optimization," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 138, 2016.
J36. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Green Profit Maximization through an Integrated Pricing and Production Planning for a Line of New and Remanufactured Products," Journal of Cleaner Production, 2016.
J35. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Modeling Time-Varying Advantages of Remanufacturing: Is a ‘Reman’ Better than a ‘Brand New’?," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 138, 2016.
J34. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M. "Predictive Model Selection for Forecasting Product Returns," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 138, 2016.
J33. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M. "Highly Customizable Product Family Design with Predictive, Data-Driven Family Design Method," Research in Engineering Design, pp. 1-17, September, 2015.
J32. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M. "Predictive Usage Mining for Life Cycle Assessment," Transportation Research - Part D, Vol. 38, pp. 125-143, July 2015.
J31. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M. "Continuous Preference Trend Mining for Optimal Product Design with Multiple Profit Cycles," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 136, 2014.
J30. Ma, J., Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Demand Trend Mining for Predictive Life Cycle Design," Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 68, pp. 189-199, 2014.
J29. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Design for lifecycle profit with a simultaneous consideration of
initial manufacturing and end-of-life remanufacturing," Engineering Optimization Journal, Dec. 2013.
J28. Lu, S. and Kim, H. M. "Wind Farm Layout Design Optimization Through Multidisciplinary Design Optimization with Complementarity Constraints," Engineering Optimization Journal, Vol. 46, No. 12, pp. 1669-1693, 2014.
J27. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Market Positioning of Remanufactured Products with Optimal Planning for Part Upgrades," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 135, No. 1, 2013.
J26. Rojas, A. and Kim, H. M. "Incorporating Security Considerations Into Optimal Product
Architecture and Component Sharing Decision in Product Family
Design," Engineering Optimization Journal, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 55-74,
J25. Kannan, A., Shanbhag, U.V. and Kim, H. M., "Addressing supply-side risk in uncertain power markets: stochastic Nash models, scalable algorithms and error analysis," Optimization Methods and Software, 2012.
J24. Kwak, M., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D. "Formulating Second-Hand Market Value as a Function of Product
Specifications, Age, and Condition," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 134,
No. 3, 2012.
J23. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M. "Trend Mining for Predictive Product Design," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 133, No. 11, 2011.
J22. Kwak, M., Behdad, S., Zhao, Y., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D. "E-waste Stream Analysis and Design Implications," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 133, No. 10, 2011.
J21. Kannan, A., Shanbhag, U.V. and Kim, H. M., "Strategic Behavior in Power Markets under Uncertainty," Journal of Energy Systems, Vol. 2, No. 2, 2011.
J20. Rojas, A. and Kim, H. M. "Optimal Component Sharing in Product Family by Simultaneous
Consideration of Minimum Description Length and Impact Metric," Engineering Optimization Journal, October, Vol. 43, No. 2, pp.
175-192, 2011.
J19. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Assessing Product Family Design from an End-of-Life Perspective," Engineering Optimization Journal, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 233-255, 2011.
J18. Ramani, K., Ramanujan, D., Bernstein, W., Zhao, F., Sutherland, J., Handwerker, C., Choi, J., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D., "Integrated Sustainable Life Cycle Design: A Review," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, No. 9, 2010.
J17. Lu, S., Schroeder, N., Kim, H. M. and Shanbhag, U., "Hybrid Power/Energy Generation System Design through
Multidisciplinary and Multilevel Design Optimization Problems with
Complementarity Constraints," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132,
No. 10, 2010.
J16. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M. "Evaluating End-of-Life Recovery Profit by a Simultaneous Consideration of Product Design and Recovery Network Design," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, No. 7, 2010.
J15. Zhao, Y., Pandey, V., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D. "Varying Lifecycle Lengths within a Portfolio For Product Take-Back," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, No. 9, 2010, 2010. (The conference version won the best paper award in 2009 ASME IDETC/CIE Design for Manufacturing and Life Cycle Conference.)
J14. Lu, S. and Kim, H. M. "A Regularized Inexact Penalty Decomposition Algorithm for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Problem with Complementarity Constraints," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, No. 4, 2010.
J13. Behdad, S., Kwak, M., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D. "Simultaneous Selective Disassembly and End-Of-Life Decision Making For Multiple Products," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 132, No. 4, 2010.
J12. Kim, H. M., Lu, S., Kim, B.-D. and Kim, J.-S., "Parallel, Multistage Model for Enterprise System Planning and Design," IEEE Systems Journal, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 6-14, 2010.
J11. Tucker, C., Kim, H. M., Barker, D., and Zhang, Y. "A ReliefF attribute weighting and X-means clustering methodology
for top-down product family optimization," Engineering Optimization Journal, Vol. 42, No. 7, pp. 593 - 616,
J10. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M., "Data-Driven Decision Tree Classification for Product Portfolio Design Optimization," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2009.
J9. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M., "Optimal Product Portfolio Formulation by Merging Predictive Data Mining with Multilevel Optimization," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 130, pp. 991-1000, April 2008. (Also, a finalist for the best student paper competition in the 11th AIAA/ISSMO MAO Conference, Sept., 2006.)
J8. Kim, H. M., Chen, W., and Wiecek, M., "Lagrangian Coordination for Enhancing the Convergence of Analytical Target Cascading," AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No. 10, pp.2197 - 2207, 2006.
J7. Liu, H., Chen, W., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P.Y., and Kim, H. M. "Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading - A Moment Matching Formulation for Multilevel Optimization under Uncertainty," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 128, pp. 991-1000, July 2006 (also presented in 2005 ASME DAC).
J6. Kim, H. M., Kumar, D. K. D., Chen, W., and Papalambros, P. Y., "Target Exploration for Disconnected Feasible Regions in Enterprise-Driven Multilevel Product Design," AIAA Journal, Vol. 44, No. 1, pp. 67-77, 2006.
J5. Cooper, A. B., Georgiopoulos, P., Kim, H. M., and Papalambros, P. Y., "Analytical Target Setting: An Enterprise Context in Optimal Product Design," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 128, No. 1, pp. 4-13, 2006.
J4. Kim, H. M., Rideout, D. G., Papalambros, P. Y., and Stein, J. L., "Analytical Target Cascading in Automotive Vehicle Design," Transactions of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 125, pp. 474-480, 2003
J3. Kim, H. M., Michelena, N. F., Papalambros, P. Y., and Jiang, T., "Target Cascading in Optimal System Design," Transaction of ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 125, pp. 481-489, 2003.
J2. Kokkolaras, M., Fellini, R., Kim, H. M., Michelena, N. F., and Papalambros, P. Y., "Extension of the Target Cascading Formulation to the Design of Product Families," Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Vol. 24, Issue 4, pp. 293-301, 2002.
J1. Kim, H. M., Kokkolaras, M., Louca, L., Delagrammatikas, G., Michelena, N. F., Filipi, Z., Papalambros, P. Y., and Assanis, D., "Target Cascading in Vehicle Redesign: A Class VI Truck Study," International Journal of Vehicle Design, Vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 199-225, 2002.
B3. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., "Product Family Design and Recovery for Lifecycle, Advances in Product Family and Product Platform Design (Edited by Simpson, T., Jiao, R., Siddique, Z. and Holtta-Otto, K.), Springer, 2013.
B2. Kumar, D.K.D., Chen, W., and Kim, H. M., "Multi-level Optimization for Enterprise Driven Decision-Based Product Design," Decision Making in Engineering Design (Edited by Lewis, K, Chen, W. and Schmidt, L.), ASME Press, 2006.
B1. Kokkolaras, M., Fellini, R., Kim, H. M., and Papalambros, P.Y.
"Analytical Target Cascading in Design of Product Families," Product
Platform and Product Family Design: Methods and Applications (Edited
by Simpson, T.W., Siddique, Z., Jiao, J.), Kluwer Academic
Publishing, New York, 2005.
C88. Park, S. and Kim, H. M. "Investigating the effect of a brand factor in product design based on a data- driven approach using online reviews," ASME IDETC/CIE, Boston, USA, August 20-23, 2023.
C87. Park, S., Lin, K., Joung, J., and Kim, H. M. "Investigation of customer preference changes following COVID-19 market disruption using online review," ICED23, Bordeaux, France, 24-28 Jul, 2023.
C86. Saidani, M., Bayless, J., Huey, D., Kim, H., and Anderson, K., "Life Cycle Assessment and Circular Economy Indicators to Design Sustainable Electric Outboards: Results from Workshops with Industrial Experts," ICED23, Bordeaux, France, 24-28 Jul, 2023.
C85. Saidani, M., Liu, X., Huey, D., Kim, H., Wang, P., Anisi, A., Kremer, G., Greenlee, A., and Shannon, T., “Calculator for Sustainable Tradeoff Optimization in Multi-Generational Product Family Development Considering Re-X Performances,” REMADE CE Tech Summit & Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 20-21 Mar, 2023.
C84. Park, S. and Kim, H. M., "Data-Driven Customer Segmentation Based On Online Review Analysis and Customer Network Construction", ASME IDETC/CIE, 2021.
C83. Kim, J., Park, S., and Kim, H. M., "Optimal Modular Remanufactured Product Configuration and Harvesting Planning for End-of-Life Products", ASME IDETC/CIE, 2021.
C82. Kim, J., Park, S., and Kim, H. M., "Analysis of customer sentiment on product features after the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) based on online reviews", ICED21, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20 Aug. 2021.
C81. Lin, K., and Kim, H. M. "Investigate the Influence of Online Ratings and Reviews in Purchase Behavior using Customer Choice Sets Constructed with A Data-driven Methodology," ASME IDETC/CIE, 2021.
C80. Lin, K., and Kim, H. M., "An Automated Method to Conduct Importance-Performance Analysis of Product Attributes from Online Reviews-An Extension with a Case Study," ICED21, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20 Aug. 2021.
C79. Saidani, M., and Kim, H. M. "Design for Product Circularity: Circular Economy Indicators with Tools Mapped Along the Engineering Design Process," ASME IDETC/CIE, 2021.
C78. Saidani, M., Kim, H. M., Ayadhi, N., and Yannou, B., "Can Online Customer Reviews Help Design More Sustainable Products? A Preliminary Study on Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly Products," ASME IDETC/CIE, 2021.
C77. Saidani, M., Kravchenko, M., Cluzel, F., Pigosso, D., Leroy, Y., and Kim, H. M., "Comparing life cycle impact assessment, circularity and sustainability indicators for sustainable design: results from a hands-on project with 87 engineering students," ICED21, Gothenburg, Sweden, 16-20 Aug. 2021.
C76. Saidani, M., Kim, H. M., and Yannou, B., "Can Machine Learning Tools Support the Identification of Sustainable Design Leads from Product Reviews? Opportunities and Challenges," ASME IDETC/CIE, 2021.
C75. Saidani, M., Pan, E., Ng, K., and Kim, H. M. "New visualization tools for designers to identify bio-based plastic substitutes considering carbon footprint and material properties," ASME IDETC/CIE, 2020.
C74. Park, S. and Kim, H. M., "Improving The Accuracy And Diversity of Feature Extraction From Online Reviews Using Keyword Embedding And Two Clustering Methods," ASME IDETC-22642, 2020.
C73. Joung, J. and Kim, H. M., "Importance-Performance Analysis of Product Attributes Using Explainable Deep Neural Network From Online Reviews," ASME IDETC-19692, 2020.
C72. Saidani, M., Pan, E., and Kim, H. M. "Switching from petroleum- to bio-based plastics: visualization tools to screen sustainable material alternatives during the design process," ASME IDETC, 2020.
C71. Kim, J., Saidani, M., and Kim, H. M. "Optimal Product Family Architecture Design and Commonality Decision for Sustainability and Intellectual Property Protection," ASME IDETC, 2020.
C70. Saidani, M., Kim, H. M., Cluzel, F., Leroy, Y., and Yannou, B. "Product circularity indicators: what contributions in designing for a circular economy?", Proceedings of the Design Society: DESIGN Conference, DESIGN2020, 1, 2129-2138, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 2020.
C69. Saidani, M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y. Cluzel, F., and Kim, H. M., "Multi-tool methodology to evaluate action levers to close-the-loop on critical materials – Application to precious metals used in catalytic converters," INFER2020, Online Symposium on Circular Economy and Sustainability, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 1-3 July, 2020.
C68. Saidani, M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y. Cluzel, F., and Kim, H. M., "How circular economy and industrial ecology concepts are intertwined? A bibliometric and text mining analysis," INFER2020, Online Symposium on Circular Economy and Sustainability, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 1-3 July, 2020.
C67. El Ghzizal, A., Saidani, M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y., and Kim, H. M., "Towards a framework to evaluate the life cycle sustainability performance of autonomous systems," eCONFERE20, 27ème colloque des Sciences de la conception et de l'innovation, 2020.
C66. Saidani, M., Pan, E., Kim, H. M., Greenlee, A., Wattonville, J., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y., and Cluzel, F. "Assessing the environmental and economic sustainability of autonomous systems: A case study in the agricultural industry," Procedia CIRP, 2020.
C65. Saidani, M., Kim, H. M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y. and Cluzel, F. "C-indicators: a web-based platform to monitor and improve the circularity potential of products," ASME IDETC, Design Tool Showcase, 2019.
C64. Saidani, M., Kim, H. M., Yannou, B., Leroy, Y. and Cluzel, F.
“Framing Product Circularity Performance For Optimized Green
Profit,” ASME IDETC, DETC2019-98390, 2019.
C63. Kim, J. and Kim, H. M., “Impact of generational commonality of
short-life cycle products in manufacturing and remanufacturing
processes,” ICED19, Delft, The Netherlands, 2019.
C62. Han, H., Chang. S. and Kim, H. M., “A weighted set cover
problem for product family design to maximize the commonality of
products,” ICED19, Delft, The Netherlands, 2019.
C61. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M., "Automatic Identification of
Product Usage Contexts from Online Customer Reviews," ICED19, Delft,
The Netherlands, 2019.
C60. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M., "A Clustering and Word Similarity Based Approach for Identifying Product Feature Words," ICED17, Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
C59. Quan, N. and Kim, H.M., "Two Stage Mini-Max Algorithm For
Grid-Based Wind Farm Layout Optimization," ASME IDETC,
DETC2017-67535, 2017.
C58. Han, H., Chang, S., and Kim, H.M., "A Systematic Approach to
Identifying a Set of Feasible Designs," ASME IDETC, DETC2017-68003,
C57. Ho, K., Chen, H., and Kim, H.M., "Value of Bootstrapping Staged
Deployment of Infrastructure: Case Study In Space Infrastructure
Deployment," ASME IDETC, DETC2017-67610, 2017.
C56. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M., “Identifying the Relations between Product Features and Sales Rank from Online Reviews,” ASME IDETC, DETC2016-60481, 2016.
C55. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M., “A Tight Upper Bound for Grid-Based Wind Farm Layout Optimization,” ASME IDETC, DETC2016-59712, 2016.
C54. Suryadi, D. and Kim, H. M., “Identifying Sentiment-Dependent Product Features from Online Reviews,” Design Computing and Cognition (DCC), 2016.
C53. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M., “Predictive Modeling of Product Returns for Remanufacturing,” ASME IDETC, DETC2015-46875, 2015.
C52. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M., “A Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulation for Unrestricted Wind Farm Layout Optimization,” ASME IDETC, DETC2015-46876, 2015.
C51. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M., "Task-Based LCA for Environmental Impact Assessment of Multiple Heterogenous Systems, ICED15, Milan, Italy, 2015.
C50. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., "Assessing Time-Varying Advantages of Remanufacturing: A Model for Products with Physical and Technological Obsolescence," ICED15, Milan, Italy, 2015.
C49. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M., “Massive-scale User Preference Clustering for Product Family Architecture Design, International Conference on Human Behavior in Design, Oct. 2014, Ascona, Switzerland.
C48. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M., “Iteration Complexity of the
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Quasi-Separable
Problems in Multidisciplinary Design Optimization,” ASME IDETC,
DETC2014-35066, 2014.
C47. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M., “Predictive Usage Mining for
Sustainability of Complex Systems Design,” ASME IDETC,
DETC2014-34755, 2014.
C46. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M., “Predictive, Data-Driven Product Family
Design,” ASME IDETC, DETC2014-34753, 2014.
C45. Ma, J. and Kim, H. M., “Continuous Preference Trend Mining for
Optimal Product Design With Multiple Profit Cycles,” ASME IDETC,
DETC2013-12163, 2013.
C44. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., “Green Profit Maximization Through
Joint Pricing and Production Planning of New and Remanufactured
Products,” ASME IDETC, DETC2013-12162, 2013.
C43. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., “Design for lifecycle profit with a simultaneous consideration of initial manufacturing and end-of-life remanufacturing,” ICED13, Seoul, Korea, 2013.
C42. Kwak, M. and Kim, H.M., "Economic and Environmental Impacts of
Product Service Lifetime: A Life-Cycle Perspective," CIRP Product
Service Systems 2013, Bochum, Germany, 2013.
C41. Kwak, M. and Kim, H.M., "Exploring Opportunities to Improve
Life Cycle Environmental Performance of a Complex Product," CIRP
Design 2013, Bochum, Germany, 2013.
C40. Quan, N. and Kim, H. M., "A Functionally-Aware Product
Schematic Clustering Algorithm," ASME IDETC, DETC2012-71506,
C39. Kwak, M., Kim, L., Kim, H. M., Finamore, P., and Hazewinkel, H., "Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Complex Heavy Duty Off-Road Equipment," ASME IDETC, DETC2012-70547, 2012.
C38. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., "To Extend, or to Shorten: Optimal Lifetime Planning," ASME IDETC, DETC2012-70546, 2012.
C37. Ma, J., Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., "Pre-Life and End-of-Life Combined Profit Optimization With Predictive Product Lifecycle Design," ASME IDETC, DETC2012-70528, 2012.
C36. Kwak, M., Kim, L., Sarvana, O., Kim, H. M., Finamore, P., and Hazewinkel, H., "Life Cycle Assessment of Complex Heavy Duty Equipment," ASME ISFA, ISFA2012-7180, 2012.
C35. Tucker, C. and Kim, H.M., "Predicting Emerging Product Design Trend by Mining Publicly Available Customer Review Data," International Conference on Engineering Design, 2011.
C34. Kwak, M. and Kim, H.M., "Modeling Time-Varying Value of an
End-of-Life Product for Design for Recovery," International
Conference on Engineering Design, 2011.
C33. Lu, S. and Kim, H. M., "A Markovian Reliability Approach for
Hybrid Power Generation System Design Optimization," ASME IDETC,
DETC2011-48607, 2011.
C32. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., "Market-Driven Positioning of
Remanufactured Product for Design For Remanufacturing With Part
Upgrade," ASME IDETC, DETC2011-48432, 2011.
C31. Tucker, C., Kim, H. M., "Capturing Emergent Behavior In Systems Of Systems Design Through Data Trend Mining," 2010 AIAA MAO Conference, Sept. 2010.
C30. Lu, S., Schroeder, N., Kim, H. M., Ha, C., Repalle, J. and Benanzer, T. "Hybrid Power Generation System Design via Multistage Mathematical Programming With Complementarity Constraints," 2010 AIAA MAO Conference, Sept. 2010.
C29. Behdad, S., Kwak, M., Zhao, Y., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D. “E-waste Stream Analysis and Design Implications,” 2010 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28758, 17 pages.
C28. Rojas, A. and Kim, H. M. “Incorporating Security Considerations Into Optimal Product Architecture And Component Sharing Decision In Product Family Design,” 2010 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28515, 11 pages.
C27. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M. “Trending Mining For Predictive Product Design,” 2010 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28364, 13 pages.
C26. Lu, S., Schroeder, N. and Kim, H. M. “Hybrid Power/Energy Generation System Design Through Multistage Design Optimization Problem With Complementarity Constraints,” 2010 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28362, 11 pages.
C25. Kwak, M., Kim, H. M., and Thurston, D. “Effect of Product Design on Buyback Price of End-of-Use Consumer Electronics,” 2010 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2010-28726, 9 pages.
C24. Zhao, Y., Pandey, V., Kim, H. M. and Thurston, D. "Varying Lifecycle Lengths within a Portfolio For Product Take-Back," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2009 - 87625, 13 pages.
C23. Tucker, C., Hoyle, C., Kim, H. M., and Chen, W., “A Comparative Study of Data-Intensive Demand Modeling Techniques In Relation To Product Design And Development," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2009-87049, 13 pages.
C22. Behdad, S., Kwak, M., Kim, H. M., and Thurston, D., “Selective Disassembly and Simultaneous End-of-life Decision Making For Multiple Products," Proceedings of the 2009 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2009-87405, 10 pages.
C21. Lu, S. and Kim, H. M., “A Regularized Inexact Penalty Decomposition Algorithm for Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Problem with Complementarity Constraints,” Proceedings of the 2009 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2009-87278, 11 pages.
C20. Kwak, M. and Kim, H. M., “Sustainable Product Design by a Simultaneous Consideration of Pre-life and End-of-life of Products,” Proceedings of the 2009 ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC2009-86811, 13 pages.
C19. Lu, S. Kim, H. M., Norato, J. and Ha, C. “Analytical Target Cascading for Multi-Mode Design Optimization: An Engine Case Study,” Proceedings of the 2008 AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2008, 11 pages.
C18. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M., “Product Architecture Design and Reconfiguration using Expectation Maximization and Decision Tree Classification,” Proceedings of the 2008 AIAA Multidisciplinary Design Optimization Specialist Conference, 2008, 18 pages.
C17. Lu, S. Shanbhag, U., Kim, H. M. “Multidisciplinary and Multilevel Design Optimization Problems with Equilibrium Constraints,” Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/MAO Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, September, 2008, 14 pages.
C16. Tucker, C., Barker, D., Kim, H. M., Zhang, Y. “Data-Mining Driven Reconfigurable Product Family Design Framework for Aerodynamic Particle Separators,” Proceedings of the 12th AIAA/MAO Conference, Victoria, BC, Canada, September, 2008, 13 pages.
C15. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M., “Product Family Concept Generation and Validation through Predictive Decision Tree Data Mining and Multi-level Optimization,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME Design Automation Conference, 2007, 17 pages.
C14. Kim, H. M., “System of Systems Engineering Model by Multistage Analytical Target Cascading,” Proceedings of the INCOSE, 2007, 15 pages.
C13. Kim, H. M. and Hidalgo, I. J., “Pseudo-Hierarchical Multistage Model For System Of Systems Design And Operations,” Proceedings of the 2007 ASME Design Automation Conference, 2007, 15 pages.
C12. Kim, H. M. and Hidalgo, I. J., “System of Systems Optimization Approach to System Design for Operations,” Proceedings of the IERC, 2007, 6 pages.
C11. Liao, K., Kim, H. M., and Ha, C., “Multilevel Optimization and Collaborative Reliability Analysis of Multi-disciplinary Structure and Control System,” Proceedings of the 11th AIAA/MAO Conference, Portsmouth, VA, USA, September, 2006, 9 pages.
C10. Kim, H. M. and Hidalgo, I. J., “System of Systems Optimization by Pseudo-Hierarchical Multistage Model,” Proceedings of the 11th AIAA/MAO Conference, Portsmouth, VA, USA, September, 2006, 14 pages.
C9. Kumar, D., Chen, W., and Kim, H. M., “Multilevel Optimization for Enterprise Driven Decision-Based Product Design,” Proceedings of the 11th AIAA/MAO Conference, Portsmouth, VA, September 6-8, 2006.
C8. Tucker, C. and Kim, H. M., “Optimal Product Portfolio Formulation: Merging Predictive Data Mining with Analytical Target Cascading,” Proceedings of the 11th AIAA/MAO Conference, Portsmouth, VA, USA, September, 2006, 14 pages.
C7. Hidalgo, I. J. and Kim, H. M., “Two-stage System of Systems Model for System Design with Resource Allocation,” Proceedings of the 2006 ASME Design Automation Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September, 2006, 12 pages.
C6. Liu, H., Chen, W., Kokkolaras, M., Papalambros, P.Y., Kim, H. M., “Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading – A Moment Matching Formulation for Multilevel Optimization under Uncertainty,” Proceedings of ASME IDETC/CIE, DETC 2005-84928, Long Beach, CA, Sept. 2005.
C5. Kim, H. M., Kumar, D.K.D., Chen, W., and Papalambros, P.Y., "Target Feasibility Achievement in Enterprise-Driven Hierarchical Multidisciplinary Design," Proceedings of the 10th AIAA/MAO Conference, Albany, New York, USA, Aug. 30 - Sept. 2, 2004, 9 pages.
C4. Cooper, A.B., Georgiopoulos, P., Kim, H. M., and Papalambros, P.Y., "Analytical Target Setting: An Enterprise Context in Optimal Product Design," Proceedings of the 2003 ASME Design Automation Conference, DAC-48734, Chicago, Illinois, USA, September 2-6, 2003, 12 pages.
C3. Kim, H. M., Rideout, D.G., Papalambros, P.Y., and Stein, J.L., "Analytical Target Cascading in Automotive Vehicle Design," Proceedings of the 2001 ASME Design Automation Conference, DAC-21079, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, September 9-12, 2001, 10 pages.
C2. Kim, H. M., Michelena, N.F., Papalambros, P.Y., and Jiang, T., "Target Cascading in Optimal System Design," Proceedings of the 2000 ASME Design Automation Conference, DAC-14265, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, September 10-13, 2000.
C1. Michelena, N.F., Kim, H. M., and Papalambros, P., "A System Partitioning and Optimization Approach to Target Cascading," Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Engineering Design, Munich, Germany, August 24-26, 1999.
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